Design and implementation of software and hardware of a prototype autonomous object collector vehicle based on Arduino technology

Kevin Damián Sánchez Rógel, Melanie Cristina Ibarra Pincay, Diego Lenin Triviño Valdez
2022 Zenodo  
This article presents the design and implementation of software and hardware to develop a prototype of an autonomous object collector vehicle. The necessary electronic components are connected and communicate with an Arduino Mega 2560, and these are powered by Lithium-ion batteries, to define the necessary amperage and voltage of these batteries, theoretical calculations of the consumption of each component were made. Regarding the developed algorithm, it allows the movement of the vehicle and
more » ... he robotic arm manually and remotely, by means of a Wireless PS2 controller. In addition to this, thanks to the integration of sensors, distance detection functionalities were incorporated, with this it is possible to recognize whether or not there is an object in front of the vehicle, so that the vehicle can pick up objects automatically and store them in a container. With the above, the particularity of the implementation is denoted, the prototype has more than one way of use, having manual or automatic control and remotely. Different prototype functionality tests were also carried out regarding the distance between the collection vehicle and the object, obtaining and interpreting data. In this way and together with the functionalities programmed to control the vehicle, the robotic arm and the automatic control have resulted in a functional prototype of a remotely controlled object collection vehicle, which presents an inversely proportional probability of success, the greater the distance If you find the object relative to the vehicle, the lower the chance of success in collecting it. The methodology to follow for the implementation of an autonomous object collector vehicle with Arduino Mega 2560, consists of: 1) hardware design, 2) hardware implementation, 3) software and algorithm design, 4) software and algorithm implementation, 5) technical performance tests. This prototype can be taken as a basis for the creation of autonomous object-collecting equipment for different application areas. Solutions can start from her [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6944677 fatcat:4hrijxqocvefrfptzy5fqyrbgm