A BPSK superregenerative receiver. Preliminary results

Pere Pala-Schonwalder, F. Xavier Moncunill-Geniz, Jordi Bonet-Dalmau, Francisco del-Aguila-Lopez, Rosa Giralt-Mas
2009 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems  
This paper describes a bit-synchronous superregenerative receiver suitable for BPSK demodulation. The output of the superregenerative oscillator (SRO), which reproduces the phase information of the input signal, is directly sampled by a D flip flop clocked by a signal derived from the quench waveform. Analytical background on the response of the SRO to a BPSK modulated input is presented. A PSpice macromodel of the receiver is also provided, allowing simulation in the linear and logarithmic
more » ... s of operation. Simulation results confirm the feasibility of the described approach. Finally, a proof-of-concept superregenerative receiver, capable of receiving a BPSK modulated carrier at 27 MHz with preliminary experimental results is presented. The measured sensitivity of this receiver is -99.5 dBm for a bit error rate of 10 -3 . I.
doi:10.1109/iscas.2009.5118061 dblp:conf/iscas/Pala-SchonwalderMBLG09 fatcat:3yunqloo7rh5lni3npsfduyk5q