Family Characteristics and Adolescent Sexual Behaviour in Yala Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

I. H. Ojiho, B. Isokon, T. O Tiku
2022 Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences  
This study investigated family characteristics and adolescent sexual behavior in Yala Local Government Area of Cross River State. The study employed descriptive research survey type was chosen for this study. The population for this study consisted of all adolescents in public secondary schools from senior secondary one to senior secondary three in Yala Local Government Area. A sample of three hundred (300) respondents (students) from senior secondary school one to secondary three was selected
more » ... sing simple random sampling techniques. The instrument employed in the study was a self-developed structured questionnaire Adolescent Questionnaire (AQ). The data collected after coding were analyzed using Mean, Standard deviation and t-test statistic. T-test statistic was used to test the four hypotheses formulated at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that family structure, parental monitoring, socioeconomic status and religious background have a significant influence on adolescent sexual behavior in Yala Local Government Area of Cross River State. It was therefore recommended that parents should discuss sexuality issues with their adolescent children to disabuse their minds from early engagement in sexual activities. Parents should also respect the institution of marriage and the core values that keep a family together so that their adolescent children will follow their examples.
doi:10.9734/arjass/2022/v16i330287 fatcat:pzqr4ewb6nghfevhaehofmtv2u