Preparation of Synthetic Titania Slag Relevant to the Industrial Smelting Process Using an Induction Furnace

Avishek Kumar Gupta, Matti Aula, Jouni Pihlasalo, Pasi Mäkelä, Marko Huttula, Timo Fabritius
2021 Applied Sciences  
A high titania slag that is used as a feedstock for TiO2 manufacturing is obtained by ilmenite smelting (FeO.TiO2). The composition of the slag obtained by smelting is dependent on the composition of the mineral used for slag preparation, i.e., ilmenite in our study. At the laboratory scale, ilmenite slags are mostly obtained by using ilmenite as the raw material. An easy and simple way would be to prepare the synthetic slag using the individual components and heating them to high temperature
more » ... a furnace. The titania slag has a high oxidizing nature and requires an inert atmosphere to prevent oxidation of the slag as well as the molybdenum crucible. This paper describes the preparation of synthetic ilmenite slag using an induction furnace and the study of the composition and the phases formed in the slag. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) were used as analytical techniques for studying the slag. A comparison between obtained synthetic slag and industrial ilmenite slag was performed to test the possibility of preparing slags in the laboratory as per the required composition. The slags show similar phase formation as obtained in industrial ilmenite slags, which means that the synthetic slags are identical to the industrial slags.
doi:10.3390/app11031153 fatcat:q5mpk4r7rfflbfjoqwrs7cbuhq