1920 Journal of the American Medical Association  
After most of this work was done there appeared Bodansky's 3 demonstration that the volume of oxy¬ gen liberated depends on the hydrogen ion concentra¬ tion of the peroxid, which may vary up to 35 per cent. in different samples of the same make. We were for¬ tunate in having used only three different samples of peroxid, all of the same make, and made several esti¬ mations on each type of case with the same sample. Our conclusions, therefore, are not affected by the lack of control of this
more » ... , although we have several times confirmed his observation that more oxygen is liberated from peroxid of pn 7 than of lower hydrogen ion concentration. The catalase index was obtained by dividing the number of cubic centimeters of oxygen liberated at the end of fifteen minutes by the red cell count expressed in millions. Records of temperature and barometric pressure were kept ; but the correction involved (which was always found to vary by less than 4 per cent.) was so small, compared to the individual variations, that the original readings have been retained.
doi:10.1001/jama.1920.02620280033012 fatcat:3jfq4qxtubc3tgyvxyynjn2s5m