The see me statement: an action research investigation of a teaching strategy designed to promote understanding of non-traditional indicators of giftedness

Sarah Marie BERRY, Sara Caroline GRİFFİTH, Kaylah Brooke HANEY, Blair Elizabeth JOHNSON, Allison Carol PONTON, Madeline WİLLARD
2022 Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity  
This action research study explored the development and impact of an educational activity, the See Me Statement, designed for students enrolled in a gifted and talented teaching endorsement program. Driven by the pervasive issues of underrepresentation in gifted education, the See Me Statement was designed to scaffold understanding of diverse indicators of giftedness and encourage participants to view the classroom through the eyes of a gifted student who does not fit the mold of the
more » ... al gifted child. Following an introduction to Frasier's Traits, Aptitudes, and Behaviors (TABs) tool, participants wrote letters from the perspective of unidentified gifted students and urged their teachers and administrators to see them and address their unique strengths and challenges. Thematic analysis of See Me Statements revealed examples of all ten components of the TABs, with an impressive representation of atypical behaviors that are likely to indicate giftedness. Analysis of participant reflections on the assignment indicated that writing from the perspective of a gifted child promoted empathy and encouraged current and future action to address the diverse strengths and needs of all gifted children. Findings support the continual need to carefully address potential misconceptions of giftedness, and reveal the positive impact of including an affective/attitudinal component in professional learning opportunities concerning the gifted.
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