Promoting Dental Care to Children Using Traditional and Interactive Mng Tedia Followihreat Appeals [chapter]

Katarina Panic, Verolien Cauberghe, Patrick De Pelsmacker
2012 Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. III)  
In a 2x3 between subjects factorial design with control group, this study investigates the impact of a low versus high threat appeal and the medium type by means of which subsequent health information is conveyed (game, information brochure, narrative story) on the adaptive behavior of 7-9 year old children. The results show that a strong perceived threat concerning the risks of bad dental hygiene has a more positive effect on children's adaptive behavior (choosing fruit instead of sweets) than
more » ... a weak threat appeal. When afterwards, additional information concerning oral care is provided, the effectiveness of the threat message appears to depend on the medium used to communicate this health information. Results show that the attention children devote to the task (reading, playing, listening) interferences with the effectiveness of the preceding threat message. As a result, the positive effect of threat appeals on adaptive behavior only seems apparent when children are exposed to a subsequent narrative health-related story. 2 Katarina Panic, Verolien Cauberghe, Patrick De Pelsmacker
doi:10.1007/978-3-8349-4291-3_25 fatcat:nojopveqb5f3nm3refngl643hi