Análise da gestão de ideias de produtos para apoiar o planejamento da inovação
Vitor Pinheiro Cunha
Em especial, ao professor Henrique Rozenfeld, pela excelente orientação, pelo exemplo de atuação acadêmica e profissional e também pela amizade formada nos últimos quatro anos de convívio com o grupo. Ao Professor Daniel Capaldo Amaral, pela contribuição na minha formação acadêmica e na elaboração do trabalho de mestrado. À Professora Marly Monteiro de Carvalho pelas correções e sugestões feitas no exame de qualificação e de defesa, que ajudaram a melhorar a qualidade deste trabalho. Aos
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... do Grupo Engenharia pelo convívio, amizade e pelas contribuições. Um agradecimento especial ao Maicon, pela grande contribuição no meu trabalho e amizade formada nos últimos anos. Aos meus pais e familiares que sempre me incentivaram e apoiaram em todas as minhas decisões. Em especial ao meu pai pelo exemplo de dedicação e empenho. À Marina, por estar sempre presente e apoiar nos momentos de maior dificuldade. Aos companheiros da República Malibu, que incentivaram e proporcionaram inúmeros momentos de descontração durante o período que morei em São Carlos. Às empresas e aos profissionais que gentilmente participaram do estudo. À CAPES e ao CNPq pelas bolsas de estudo concedidas. A todos que contribuíram de alguma forma para a realização deste trabalho. Muito obrigado. ABSTRACT CUNHA, V. P. Analysis of the product idea management to support the frontend of the innovation process. 2011. 157p. Thesis (Master) -Engineering School of Sao Carlos, University of Sao Paulo, 2011. Organizations have to deal with a dynamic environment in which innovation is essential for success of businesses. Additionally, the product innovation capability of any organization is directly related to a continuous flow of ideas capable of raising opportunities for new products and technologies. Despite the primary role of ideas, instead of managing the ideation process, the most common approach is the generation of a large number of ideas. However, launching new products requires more than just generating ideas, many other characteristics of the process need to be addressed. Thus, to explore these characteristics, this research has as main objective analyze how the product ideation process is carried out in companies. To achieve this goal, firstly, is proposed an ideation conceptual model, based on the synthesis of the characteristics identified in literature. Then, to understand the behavior of these characteristics in practice, is conducted a multiple case study in 15 companies recognized as innovative and from different sectors of industry. Finally, based on data collected, the characteristics of the ideation process are analyzed and compared with the information obtained from the literature review. Based on the results of the study is identified that the conduct of the ideation process may follow different logics according to the characteristics of companies. Certain factors, such as: strategies, ways of conducting the process and organizational factors should be taken into account in defining the best way to manage the process. Considering that the studies identified in the literature focus on analyzing specific characteristics of the process, making it difficult to get a complete overview of the process, this research presents an important contribution to academic theory by analyzing the main characteristics that impact the process. This work also presents a contribution to companies, as it can be used as a reference of how the process is being developed and provides a practical overview of how it can be structured.