Adoption of Participatory Forest Management System for Sustainability in Nigeria

Samuel Iwah Udofia, Opeyemi Olajide, Egor Bassey Etigale
2013 Journal of Life Sciences  
Forest is a composite renewable natural resource of multiple values to mankind. Over the years in Nigeria, government has been the sole player in the management of forest resources at the exclusion of the neighbouring forest-dependent communities to forest estates. The consequences of the monopolistic management are widespread illegal and destructive lumbering, degradation, deforestation and varying ecological disasters. This paper, therefore, discusses strategies that could facilitate and
more » ... r participatory sustainable forest management which include formulation of people-orientated forest policies and laws, creation of public awareness, stakeholders' consultation, training and capacity building, provision of incentives and creation of market channels for forest products. The aim is to underscore the potency of people-based forest management system, which considers the peoples' interest and welfare while ensuring effective conservation of forest resources. The method adopted is a review and appraisal of the prevailing situations. It is recommended that mass mobilization for participation in sustainable forest resources management and creation of enabling environment for organized private-sector involvement in forest resources activities could engender rapid development in forestry sub-sector of Nigerian economy.
doi:10.17265/1934-7391/2013.08.016 fatcat:o6iqwa4hejfepdiqz5qceoc4xy