Mechanism of Aggregation Colloid Centers on Surface Ionic Crystals [chapter]

Utkirjon Sharopov, Bakhtiyar Atabaev, Ruzmat Djabbarganov, Muzaffar Qurbanov
2016 Advances in Colloid Science  
In this chapter, we analyze the kinetics of changes in the intensities of peaks of these aggregate defects as a function of the substrate temperature, as well as study the degradation of these aggregate F centers in order to understand the mechanisms of their formation and transformation to other types of defects, to colloids. The results obtained using methods of total current (TC) spectroscopy and secondary-ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) under ion bombardment of LiF crystals are analyzed. The
more » ... mperature dependence of the generation kinetics of F centers and their aggregates in a LiF/Si(1 1 1) thin-film system after irradiation with low-energy (80 eV) electrons was studied by TC spectroscopy. It was shown that, in all cases, low-temperature annealing results in the degradation of the formed centers followed by their coalescence. By SIMS, it is shown that the majority of the products of crystal sputtering contain point defects. A procedure for determining defects in sputtered clusters of ionic crystals is developed.
doi:10.5772/65517 fatcat:faof2n2asjcunhxzxr6syouowq