Task-space/joint-space damping transformations for passive redundant manipulators

A. Goswami, M.A. Peshkin
[1993] Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
We consider here passive mechanical wrists, capable of imparting a desired dumping matrix to a grasped workpiece. Previous work 112. 131 has shown how to select a dumping matrix such that an assembly operatwn can be modc force-guided Thc passive mechanical wrist is to be progmnvnableit can adopt a widc range of damping matricesby virtue of a number of t u d e dampers which inrcrconneet the joints. We have been studying the range of dmnping matrices that such a wrist can adopt. purely by tuning
more » ... ts dampers. We find that a redundant wrist has a broader range of realizable damping matrices than a non-re-wrist. A kinematic Jacobian relates the task-space damping matrix to a similar matrix in the hydraulic space of the tunable dampers (jointspace). For redudmt wrists the transformation of damping matrices between task-space and joint-space is not straightfonvard. In this paper we identify the causal directions along which the transformations are linear. We show that the joint-space matrices which are obtained as linear tranrfonnations of desired task-space matrices are all singular. Many realizable joint-space matrices (corresponding to a &sired task-space damping matrix) are shown to exist which are not discovered by linear transformations.
doi:10.1109/robot.1993.291886 dblp:conf/icra/GoswamiP93a fatcat:b3c2lrcymndo3mg4rzitsl4psq