Building systems of engagement to overcome the challenges of digital transformation

Peter Weiß, Markus Warg, Andreas Zolnowski
2019 unpublished
SDA -Building systems of engagement Weiß, P.; Warg, M.; Zolnowski, A. 2 Overview 1. Motivation 2. Research Objectives and Approach 3. Systems of Engagement 4. Service Dominant Architecture (SDA) 5. SDA Capabilities 6. SDA Canvas 7. Conclusion and Outlook SDA -Building systems of engagement Weiß, P.; Warg, M.; Zolnowski, A. 3 Overview 1. Motivation 2. Research Objectives and Approach 3. Systems of Engagement 4. Service Dominant Architecture (SDA) 5. SDA Capabilities 6. SDA Canvas 7. Conclusion
more » ... d Outlook SDA -Building systems of engagement Weiß, P.; Warg, M.; Zolnowski, A. 4 Changes in Society and Customer Behaviour 4 Support of customer's life events is key SDA -Building systems of engagement Weiß, P.; Warg, M.; Zolnowski, A. 5 Digital Transformation and Insurance Business Examples of radical change of business logic and models for insurance business 5 This is just the first generation of digital business models, what comes next? Life Insurance Emerging markets Car Insurance Household Insurance SDA -Building systems of engagement Weiß, P.; Warg, M.; Zolnowski, A. 7 Overview 1. Motivation 2. Research Objectives and Approach 3. Systems of Engagement 4. Service Dominant Architecture (SDA) 5. SDA Capabilities 6. SDA Canvas 7. Conclusion and Outlook SDA -Building systems of engagement Weiß, P.; Warg, M.; Zolnowski, A. 8 Research Objectives and Approach • Longitudinal case study is providing rich insights into a real life digital transformation process • Action oriented research design (Böhmann et al. 2014, Sein et al. 2011) based on piloting and evaluating results by means of a real world case of an insurance company. • Outline a set of capability clusters and success factors that companies have to master in order to remain competitive in a digitized world • Study, evaluate and evolve the SDA (IT artifact) in the given organizational context • Generalize results by theory building and conceptualization, e.g. resource framework and model to conceptualize SDA capabilities (SDA canvas) SDA -Building systems of engagement Weiß, P.; Warg, M.; Zolnowski, A. 9 IS Research: Design-Science Conceptual framework for understanding, executing, and evaluating IS research combining behavioral-science and design-science paradigms. 9 • multi-methodological approach as argued by (Nunamaker et al. 1991: 91-92) • business and information system engineering approach (Krcmar, 2015: 228) and software engineering process models (Balzert 2008; Oestereich 2009). SDA -Building systems of engagement Weiß, P.; Warg, M.; Zolnowski, A. 10
doi:10.13140/rg.2.2.20892.85129 fatcat:wmndyoi2bnfx7cyd54hugieggm