Frequency Analysis for Functionally Graded Material Cylindrical Shells: A Significant Case Study

Rabia Anwar, Madiha Ghamkhar, Muhammad Imran Khan, Rabia Safdar, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Wasim Jamshed, Esra Karatas Akgül, M. Prakash, Rossana Dimitri
2021 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
Cylindrical shells play an important role for the construction of functionally graded materials (FGMs). Functionally graded materials are valuable in order to develop durable materials. They are made of two or more materials such as nickel, stainless steel, zirconia, and alumina. They are extremely beneficial for the manufacturing of structural elements. Functionally graded materials are broadly used in several fields such as chemistry, biomedicine, optics, and electronics. In the present
more » ... ch, vibrations of natural frequencies are investigated for different layered cylindrical shells, those constructed from FGMs. The behavior of shell vibration is based on different parameters of geometrical material. The problem of the shell is expressed from the constitutive relations of strain and stress with displacement, as well as it is adopted from Love's shell theory. Vibrations of natural frequencies (NFs) are calculated for simply supported-simply supported (SS-SS) and clamped-free (C-F) edge conditions. The Rayleigh–Ritz technique is employed to obtain the shell frequency equation. The shell equation is solved by MATLAB software.
doi:10.1155/2021/4843321 fatcat:3jgnxmzl6je3hipp3upisfqtsq