Systems Model Analysis for Iterative Concurrent Design Processes and Its Application to Design of Precision Mechatronics

Chee Khiang Pang, Cao Vinh Le, Tsan Sheng Ng, Hoang Long Ngoc Nguyen
2013 Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation   unpublished
We propose a novel methodology of knowledge sharing in mechatronic R&D department by the integration of information repository (IR) using minimal organizational restructure. Through computer simulation and system dynamics, we successfully encompass this concept into a systematic, top-down and inclusive model to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the strategy. The servomechanical-prototype configuration in Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) R&D division was analyzed as an illustration of the
more » ... logy. Our simple yet comprehensible and replicable model reports encouraging results and improvements: lower process cycle times and their variations, as well as augmented systems capacity and stability.
doi:10.2991/3ca-13.2013.75 fatcat:sjog55obcvbtjmickonj34odaq