The Role of Social Media Forensics in Digital Forensics

Dr. Vivekananth.P
2022 International Journal of Engineering and Management Research  
Social media forensics collects evidence from social media sites such as Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, and Snapchat to identify criminals. This paper discusses social media crimes such as hacking, photo morphing, shopping scams, cyberbullying, and link baiting. The paper deliberates the social media forensics techniques such as evidence collection, storing, analyzing, and preserving; the paper discusses the process of forensics examination in social media forensics. The paper examines the social
more » ... edia forensics tools such as WebPreserver, make a Website Hub, Pipl Search, TinEye, and TweetBeaver and discusses the applications of each device. The paper concludes by discussing the future of social media forensics.
doi:10.31033/ijemr.12.4.1 fatcat:2ysgqygpujfdlfqc3fsd5t2dcy