22. Research-driven translation teaching: doing Applied Linguistics to empower the learning organisation [chapter]

Gary Massey, Daniel Perrin, Ulla Kleinberger
2017 Doing Applied Linguistics  
This chapter considers a transversal approach to research-driven teaching, exploring how research at the IUED Institute of Translation and Interpreting at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences has fed into didactic and actionresearch initiatives in an attempt to narrow the theory-practice divide in translator and language-mediator education. After discussing process-oriented and situated methods in translation teaching, it presents research initiatives designed to investigate learning
more » ... s among the various actors involved. Moving from curricular and expertise development to the learning organisation itself, it concludes by situating the initiatives within a recent fractal model of co-emergent learning.
doi:10.1515/9783110496604-023 fatcat:yh6krtwiljalfp3rbahi2ye4jq