Transformation of Work Practice in The Digitalized Labor Process: Freelancers in Turkey

2022 Zenodo  
The unprecedented worldwide spread of freelance work is seen to be one of the most important changes created by the development of digital technologies with a dramatic effect on work relations and practices. This study aims to examine how freelance work has changed the working practices in Turkey, the motivations and working conditions of freelancers, the gendered nature of freelance work, and the perceptions of women. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with 28 freelancers in
more » ... urkey. According to the field research findings, the education level of the interviewees is high and their freelance work experience varies between 1-12 years. The main reasons to work as freelancers is mainly the result of the sense of being flexible and "free" working environment. However, the research findings show that the promise of freedom is mostly an illusion and brings precarious working conditions with it. Although women are less visible than men in the freelance work, some of the male interviewees think that female freelancers are more successful in taking responsibility and being creative. Based on the discourses of the male interviewees towards female freelancers, it is possible to say that the majority of the male interviewees have developed a positive attitude towards gender equality.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6850809 fatcat:pej6mbr7hral7jd6vckjyz4y5y