Study on Parameter Optimization of Diversion Wall in an Eight-Strand Tundish during Continuous Casting of Billet with High Casting Speed

Zhenyu Liu, Yang Li, Changgui Cheng, Peng Lan, Weili Wu
2022 Processes  
With the increasing demand for high-efficient continuous casting, parameter optimization during high-speed continuous casting is critical. To clarify the changes in flow characteristics in a multistrand tundish and the optimization principles for the diversion wall, a numerical investigation of an eight-strand tundish during continuous casting of billet was carried out in this paper. The simulation results were validated with the physical results of a 1:3 water model experiment. The results
more » ... that, for a tundish with the same flow control device, the average residence time and the maximum residence time difference of liquid steel in different strands are significantly reduced with higher casting speed. At different casting speeds, the effect of the hole diameter and deflection angle of diversion wall on the average residence time and the dead region proportion is very minor, while that on the maximum residence time difference of liquid steel in different strands is significant. For a given tundish, to improve the flow uniformity among multiple strands, parameter optimization of diversion wall should be optimized when the casting speed increases. When the casting speed is 4.4 m/min, the hole diameter of the diversion wall is 80 mm, and the deflection angle of the diversion wall is 74°, the flow field parameters of liquid steel in the eight-strand tundish are good, especially flow uniformity among multiple strands.
doi:10.3390/pr10030555 fatcat:hkq2voucvbc7rct6oy6ytugw54