
菅谷 隆浩, 土屋 裕文, 岩沢 宏樹, 西村 広光, Sugaya Takahiro, Tsuchiya Hirofumi, Iwasawa Hiroki, Nishimura Hiromitsu, Tanaka Hiroshi
This paper presents the feasibility study for the recognition of sign language. The main feature of our proposed method is to use colored gloves in which several areas are assigned by different colors. This makes it possible to discriminate each finger and to recognize hand shape by color detection result. In addition, the hand motion can be detected by the variation of the position of colored region of the wrist. The recognition method which consists of hand shape recognition by the color
more » ... tion results and hand motion recognition by DP matching was implemented in the PC, and the experiment was carried out by using the optical camera. The recognition success ratio of 83.3% for the basic 24 words of sign language was obtained, and the feasibility of the proposed method was verified by the experiments.
doi:10.34411/00001123 fatcat:yb447ej7bjcj3gzewcobqhftom