Nanaimo Free Press [Wednesday, August 2, 1899] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Our Who nd Jobbing De partment is on the boom. Pricea on "Staple Goods" and others compare favorably with Vancouver or Victoria, and our stock of Hay, Feed and Grain has always given satisfaction. .\11 we need is a trial order to convince you that our prices are low and our goods of the finest quality. The Trade, Family and Shippinir Supplied. Don't forg: t onr fresh shipment of Fruits arrive daily, and that we have thousands of jam bottles A. R. JOHNSTON & Co WHOLCSALE and RETAIL QROOERS.
doi:10.25316/ir-9078 fatcat:4wihneloobftfhw565jveb3wcq