Trusted Spotter Network Austria – a new standard to utilize crowdsourced weather and impact observations

Thomas Krennert, Rainer Kaltenberger, Georg Pistotnik, Alois M. Holzer, Franz Zeiler, Mathias Stampfl
2018 Advances in Science and Research  
<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Information from voluntary storm spotters has been an increasingly important part for the severe weather warning process at the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie and Geodynamik (ZAMG), Austria's National Weather Service, for almost 15 years. In 2010 a collaboration was formalized and an annual training was established to educate voluntary observers into <q>Trusted Spotters</q>. The return of this investment is a higher credibility of their observations after these
more » ... tters have undergone a basic meteorological training and have become aware of their responsibility. <br><br> The European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL) was included to this collaboration to adopt their successful quality control system of severe weather reports, which is employed in the European Severe Weather Database ESWD. That way, reports from Trusted Spotters automatically obtain a higher quality flag, which enables a faster processing by forecasters on duty for severe weather warnings, when time is a critical issue. The concept of combining training for voluntary storm spotters and a thorough quality management was recognized as a <q>Best Practice Model</q> by the European Meteorological Society. <br><br> We propose to apply this concept also in other European countries and present its advancement into an even broader, pan-European approach. The European Weather Observer app EWOB, recently released by ESSL, provides a novel and easy-to-handle tool to submit weather and respective impact observations. We promote its use to provide better data and information for a further real-time improvement of severe weather warnings.</p>
doi:10.5194/asr-15-77-2018 fatcat:phlicg6sbngfrf3wxigthfjvxq