Consistent Modeling of Rotational Nonequilibrium in a Hybrid Particle-Continuum Method

Ashley M. Verhoff, Iain D. Boyd
2013 44th AIAA Thermophysics Conference   unpublished
Hybrid particle-continuum methods are of interest to the simulation of partially rarefied, hypersonic flows because of the compromise they offer between physical accuracy and numerical efficiency. There are two considerations that are of principal importance to the development of such methods. First, sub-regions of the simulation domain must be assigned to either the particle or continuum solver based on some measure of continuum breakdown. Then, information must be exchanged between these
more » ... ns in a consistent manner. The present study is concerned with the detection of rotational energy nonequilibrium, and the consistent treatment of rotational-translational energy exchange in both the continuum and particle methods. As such, a new continuum breakdown parameter is proposed and evaluated in the context of a hypersonic, blunt-body flow, and an existing rotational-translational energy exchange model for use in the particle method is verified to be consistent with the corresponding model in the continuum method for a binary gas mixture.
doi:10.2514/6.2013-3145 fatcat:o3fhzzlm4jgo3i3qhq3kir2mxm