Induction properties of propofol and etomida: a clinical comparative study

Santosh Onkarappa, Sarika Shetty, Nalini Kotekar, Viswanathan N.
2016 International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences   unpublished
Propofol is a non-opioid, non-barbiturate, sedative hypnotic agent with rapid onset and short duration of action. However induction of anaesthesia with propofol is associated with pain on injection and dose dependent hypotension especially in patients above 50 years and with pre-induction hypotension. Objective of the study was to compare the induction properties, hemodynamic variables and side effects of etomidate and propofol during induction of general anaesthesia. Methods: 60 patients
more » ... oing elective surgeries under general anaesthesia were randomly allocated into group P (n=30) who received propofol and group E (n=30) who received etomidate as intravenous induction agents. Induction time, hemodynamic variables like pulse rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure following induction were recorded. Side effects like pain on injection and myoclonus were noted. Results: In this study we found that the onset of induction, pain on injection and incidence of myoclonus were statistically insignificant in both groups. Increase in pulse rate was statistically significant in propofol at 1 and 3 mins when compared with etomidate. Fall in mean arterial pressure at 1 min was statistically significant with etomidate and with propofol at 3 and 5 min. Conclusions: Etomidate was a better alternative as an intravenous induction agent when compared with propofol. METHODS This study was conducted in a medical college hospital after ethics committee approval. Cite this article as: Onkarappa SM, Shetty SM, Kotekar N, Viswanathan PN. Induction properties of propofol and etomida: a clinical comparative study. Int J Res Med Sci 2016;4:4444-7.