Immune response in highly active young men to the 2014/2015 seasonal influenza vaccine

Andrew Stewart, Otto G. Vanderkooi, Raylene A. Reimer, Patricia K. Doyle-Baker
2018 Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism  
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism that did not seroconvert to the vaccine. Significant differences were found for the A/Texas strain (p<0.01) and a similar trend of lower magnitude observed for the remaining two influenza strains. These results suggest that higher physical activity levels may influence immune response to vaccination and that assessing factors beyond those commonly used can be of value when identifying vaccine response in the population.
doi:10.1139/apnm-2017-0683 pmid:29481760 fatcat:cd3ohkclwbhhlm3llofdnunp54