Morphological Untits of Golloborda's Highland in the Republic of Albania

Elvira Bollobani – Dodoveci
2014 Journal of Educational and Social Research  
Golloborda's highland together with two other highlands which are: Çermenika's highlands which lies in its west and Martanesh highland which lies in northwest of Golloborda which occupy the central part of central highland province unlike two other highlands. That of Golloborda lies in the east of our country and continues even outside the state border in Macedonia. The study object of this work paper are the morphological particularities of the units of Golloborda highlands which lie inside
more » ... physical -geographical space of the Republic of Albania. Initially, are given some physical -geographical dates of the highland of Golloborda. Then it goes through morphological analysis of its components. As a result of diverse litologic construction, geologic structures, complicated reliev evolution of its area under over complicated influence and external factors, I have determined these morphological units: the field of Klenja, the field of Stude, the trough of Llanga, the trough of Okshtun and the mountain ridge of Veternik -Kallkan. The aim of this paper is that these units should be analysed highlighting morphological and morphogenic feature. To realize this paper, I have exploited the written literature of this area, consultations with specialized people of this field, even other similar work papers. This article will serve to different amateurs and also to specialized people of the geography field. This work paper will be conluded in base of some conclusions. sizes and morphological features. The general length of Okshtun trough between the canyon of Borova in south and estuarine at Bulqiza's shingle from north reaches about 20 km, whilst the bed's slope is about 20 m/km possessing a big eroding power, also from its terrigenes composition.
doi:10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n4p378 fatcat:x7x7o5f73fgsvc5vqywtilqxvu