Migration of dendritic cells across blood and lymphatic endothelial barriers

Annalisa Del Prete, Massimo Locati, Karel Otero, Elena Riboldi, Alberto Mantovani, Annunciata Vecchi, Silvano Sozzani
2005 Thrombosis and Haemostasis  
Dendritic cells( DC) arep rofessional antigenp resenting cells whichplayapivotalrole in theactivation of adaptiveimmunity. Tissueinvasion by pathogensinduces the recruitment of blood DC to the site of infection and contributestotheir subsequent migration to secondarylymphoid organs.This complexprocess reliesonthe expression andregulationofreceptors forchemot- Keywords Dendritic cells,c hemokines,e ndothelialc ells,a dhesion molecules, signal transduction actic factors on the surfaceo fm
more » ... DC and on the activation of adhesion molecules which allowDCtoproperlyinteract with bothbloodand lymphatic vessels.Inthe absence of correct tissue localization, DC fail to promote properimmune responses.Therefore, the interaction of DC with endothelialcells represents afundamental step forDCbiology.
doi:10.1160/th05-10-0974 fatcat:2zpgappyibecpjnkbo57c737ge