Research on Optimization Strategy of Virtual Resource Scheduling Based on Improved Frog Leaping Algorithm

Xinxin Guo
2018 Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference Advanced Engineering and Technology Research (AETR 2017)   unpublished
In order to mobilize valid data in virtualized resource pool quickly, reduce resource scheduling execution time and improve resource utilization. The paper proposed a virtual resource scheduling strategy based on improved frog leaping algorithm. A mathematic model of leapfrog algorithm in cloud computing environment is established to carry out the task of the shortest time and the maximum utilization of resources for the purpose of incorporating greedy algorithm to find the optimal scheduling
more » ... rategy. The results of Cloudsim simulation show that this research can improve the utilization of virtual data center resources, get efficient dynamic resource strategy, save resource overhead. The algorithm provides important theories for the future of cloud computing virtualized complex dynamic resource scheduling and hardware resource loading. 226
doi:10.2991/aetr-17.2018.43 fatcat:nydd2cxy5jgfba3vpetmrrxeu4