An Empirical Investigation of Capability Factors Affecting Strategic Information System Planning Success

Naser Khani, Khalil Md Nor, Mojgan Bahrami Samani, Hossein Hakimpoor
2012 International Journal of Strategic Technology and Applications  
Strategic information systems planning (SISP) is more difficult in today's world of rapid change and uncer tainty. The dynamic changes in the environment require a fit between SISP and internal resources of the firm. A need exists to study SISP success based on a broad set of organizational attributes of firm. In this regard, a resource-based view (RBV) has gained increasing dominance in the strategic management field and views organization as a bundle of resources. Reviewing SISP literature
more » ... eals little on what the essential Information Systems' formulation (IS) capabilities for SISP are and how they affect success. In this study, the relationship between capability factors and SISP success are explored. Capability factors were compiled through literature review and validated by using interviews. Hypotheses were developed and tested utilizing responses collected from 167 medium to large Iranian organizations. Using PLS for data analysis, the results show the important role of capability factors in SISP success that could be beneficial for both practice and research. Naser Khani is a PhD candidate at the faculty of management and human resource development (FPPSM) in University of Technology of Malaysia (UTM). He holds a master degree in public administration and bachelor in industrial management. His main area of interest is organizational theory, strategic management, and strategic planning for information systems. His research has Management Studies. His research interests are in the area of technology adoption, strategic information systems planning and e-commerce. Mojgan Bahrami Samani is a PhD candidate at the faculty of management and human resource development (FPPSM) in University of Technology of Malaysia (UTM). She holds a bachelor and master degree in public administration. Her main area of interest is e-business management including trust, risk, customer linking and online reputation, e-commerce, and organizational theory. Her research has
doi:10.4018/jsita.2012040101 fatcat:dx53v6s2v5di5khwiw2gjb3vme