BAOBAB (Adansonia digitata l.) reduces the glycaemic and insulin response in healthy volunteers

L. Ryan, A. Fraser, P.S. Thondre
2014 Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism  
Results: Lipid content was 36% of seed weight and rich in TAG (86% of total lipid), 31% lipid was extracted by hexane, providing 96% TAG. Chloroformmethanol extraction of meal recovered a further 4.8% polar lipid (PL) rich extract. The PL were: phosphatidyl choline (69%) and phosphatidyl ethanolamine (13%). DHA composition was 6.8% in TAG, 3.0% in glycolipid and 1.6% in PL. Relative levels of a-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) in all fractions were higher in transformed seed than in unmodified
more » ... (39-54% versus 12-32%, respectively). The phytosterol profile was similar to unmodified seed. Conclusions: Camelina could be grown as a new and renewable source of DHA-rich oil for use in animal and aquaculture feeds. Inclusion of this oil in foods may increase dietary intake of DHA and lead to improved n-3:n-6 status and health outcomes in humans. Funding source(s): CSIRO.
doi:10.1016/j.jnim.2014.10.162 fatcat:m7rkniynpvdu5dzxo4wu3i27su