Numerical modelling of the effect of using multi-explosives on the explosive forming of steel cones

T De Vuyst, K Kong, N Djordjevic, R Vignjevic, JC Campbell, K Hughes
2016 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Modelling and analysis of underwater explosive forming process by using FEM and SPH formulation is presented in this work. The explosive forming of a steel cone is studied. The model setup includes a low carbon steel plate, plate holder, forming die as well as water and C4 explosive. The effect of multiple explosives on rate of targets deformation has been studied. Four different multi-explosives models have been developed and compared to the single explosive model. The formability of the steel
more » ... plate based on forming limit failure criteria has been investigated. Aspects such as shape of plates deformation and thickness of the plate during the forming process have been examined. The model results indicate that a multi-explosives model does not always guarantee a faster rate of target deformation without central explosive. On the other hand the model results indicate that the multi-explosives setup is capable of preventing crack failure of the steel plate during the forming process which would occur if a single explosive model was used.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/734/3/032074 fatcat:6ce6gdb7grdyvipkhfvgqt72cu