A Study of Asian Indian and Asian Indian American Carnatic Music Students on Emotive Responses to Six Carnatic Ragas: Qualitative Analysis of Student Responses

Dr. Kalpana Mukunda Iyengar, Mrs. Veena Prasad, Dr. Roxanne Henkin
2014 IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME)  
In order to assess Carnatic music students' emotive responses to a few selected Carnatic ragas, two interdisciplinary researchers and a music teacher conducted a qualitative study supported by Gee's definition 1 of discourse. The researchers analyzed the narratives written by Carnatic music students from India and a major city in the southwest of the United States. The study participants were six young adults between the ages of eleven and sixteen who have learned Carnatic music for more than
more » ... ve years. Some of them have performed their solo debut recitals after learning music for more than 4 years or more with a trained teacher. The participants recorded several emotions such as happiness, melancholy, anger, etc. after they listened to songs based on the selected ragas the researchers provided to the students. Participants also described their observations on the preselected ragas.
doi:10.9790/7388-04532936 fatcat:i3nletbvsbgbrc4ov46hrp672q