Die intramolekulare Beweglichkeit von Alkinen in Wolframkomplexen des Typs C5H5W(CO)(L)R (L = Alkin; R = CH3, C6H5) / The Intramolecular Mobility of Alkynes in Tungsten Compounds of the Type C5H5W(CO)(L)R (L = Alkyne; R = CH3, C6H5)

H. G. Alt, W. Stadler
1977 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
Complexes of the type C5H5W(CO)(L)R (L = alkyne; R = CH3, C6H5) are obtained by irradiation of a solution containing both C5H5W(CO)3R and L. The intramolecular mobility of the π-bonded acetylene in the 16-electron complexes C5H5W(CO)(L)R can be demonstrated by temperature-dependent 1H NMR spectroscopy.
doi:10.1515/znb-1977-0207 fatcat:4nylxsbg75g7xdkdtrguyyp74u