Information provision for training experts in the field of sports in terms of the quality of scientific publications

Сергей Ермаков
2017 Nauka v Olimpijskom Sporte  
The performance and demand for publications of national scientists are shown in the form of a rating in terms of their citation indexes; the prospects of development of information support for training experts in the field of sports and physical culture are evaluated. The sources of information were data from the Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus and Google Scholar. The profiles data are presented for 50 national scientists from 953 registered in the system «Bibliometrics of Ukrainian
more » ... ce», which position themselves as experts in the field of sports and physical education. Of these, the total criterion of four scientists is 50 % according to the Scopus or the Web of Science Core Collection database. Furthermore, according to the Google Scholar, the total criterion of five scientists is 50 %. Only two national journals are accepted for evaluation in the Web of Science Core Collection database. The emerging positive trends in the promotion of Ukrainian resources in the world scientific and educational space give hope for their full integration and, as a result, open new opportunities for improving the quality of specialists training in the field.
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