Institutional Databases, Official Statistics and Challenges of Monitoring and Evaluation in Nigeria's Public Sector

Chiedo Akalefu
2014 IOSR Journal of Business and Management  
This paper examined the impacts of non-availability and unreliability of institutional data and official statistics on the practice of Monitoring and Evaluation in Nigeria. It also examined the implications of these impacts on the assessment of public policies and national development. Findings showed that where institutional data on social indicators exist, they are either not reliable because data on indicators from different public institutions do not correspond with each other, or they are
more » ... ompletely at variance with existing realities. This poses great challenges to effective Monitoring and Evaluation in Nigeria. Consequently, the paper amongst other things, recommended strict enforcement of mandatory digitization and data back-up devices for all MDAs in the country by outsourcing data management to private corporations, and the strengthening of institutional and resource capacities of government agencies and institutions that are saddled with the responsibility of maintaining institutional data on social indicators.
doi:10.9790/487x-16950817 fatcat:3lu4bc7k25hpdhturvyz32snta