Nina Kushnir, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine, Svitlana Moshchych, L.S. Veretin, Roman Okseniuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine
Energy is an important factor that has a direct impact on industrial relations, social development of society, the state of the environment. The scarcity of energy resources requires assessing them as a factor of economic security and taking them into account when formulating national and entrepreneurial strategies. The concept of energy security as the availability of energy for industrial and domestic consumption has become widespread in scientific works. At the same time, the driving force
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... any process is a strategic vision that builds a system of goals and develops concrete measures aimed at overcoming problem areas in the trajectory of achieving effective solutions. The modern post-industrial period needs a new stage of energy developmentecologically regulated, during which the organizational and economic mechanism should be formed as a result of ecological regulation. This will ensure the transition to sustainable development, characterized by economic and social progress while reducing the man-made impact of energy on the environment, which meets the needs of the knowledge economy. consequences of numerous natural disasters and man-made disasters, global epidemics are growing to alarming proportions, which, in turn, slows down both the development of the world economy as a whole and the solution of demographic, energy and food problems. The issues of environmental efficiency in general and energy in particular are being investigated by scientists O. O. Veklych, T.others. In recent years, considerable work has been done in Ukraine to address both scientific, technical and organizational and economic problems of improving energy supply. In particular, the directions of increasing energy efficiency were explored in their works by A. Borisenko, S. Denisyuk, D. Deregan, M. Kovalko, E. Krykavsky, M. Ksenofontov, V. Kuratchenko and others. The interaction of human society and nature in the process of development of energy sources was not optimal at all stages of development. The rapid increase in energy consumption creates the risk of rapid depletion of fuel and energy resources. In addition, the dynamics of global energy consumption in the last century sufficiently indicate its exponential growth, which is a potential threat of an increase in excess heat emissions that can disrupt the thermal balance of the planet and lead to catastrophic changes in its climate. Therefore, the development of national energy using the methods of environmental regulation will contribute to the sustainable development of the fuel and energy complex. The purpose of the work is to develop theoretical and methodological approaches for the strategic development of national energy, tak-