IFR Cell Radius Tailoring On Superibex

J. Antoniades, M. Myers, D. Murphy, T. Peyser, R. Hubbard, R. Fernsler, R. Pechacek, R. Meger
Eighth IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power  
Radius tailoring is an important step towards intense relativistic electron beam (IREB) conditioning. A well conditioned beam propagates relatively stably in a self pinched mode in high neutral pressure gas environments. Low pressure Ion Focus Regime (IFR) cells are simple but very versatile radius or emittance tailoring cells since they allow flexibility in the adjustment of all major conditioning parameters. In addition they provide an efficient beam transport medium as well as some weak
more » ... ring and sweep damping. The SuperiBEX beam was used to characterize the performance of the IFR low pressure gas cell as a radius and emittance tailoring device for variations in fill gas pressure, gas species, input beam temperature and exit foil.
doi:10.1109/ppc.1991.733349 fatcat:bwpiacqnzfhm5lzc35jad6qn3q