Implementation and performance evaluation of a broad-band power spectrum analyzer

G. Pasini, D. Mirri, G. Iuculano, F. Filicori
2001 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement  
A new technique for power spectrum analysis is introduced, theoretically evaluated, and experimentally verified with a prototype. This technique is based on the estimate of the autocorrelation function for different delays. The proposed sampling strategy is random in the time domain and equally spaced, synchronous with the signal, in the delay domain. It is shown that the estimate of the power spectral components is asymptotically unbiased, and the experimental results are also given. Index
more » ... s-Hardware implementation, performance evaluation, power spectrum instrument, random sampling strategy, wide-band spectrum analysis. Gaetano Iuculano was born in Italy in 1938. He received the degree in electronic engineering from the Presently he is a Full Professor of electrical measurements at the University of Florence, Florence, Italy. His current research are in calibration applications, reliability analysis and life testing for electronic devices and systems, statistical analysis, and digital measurement instruments. Fabio Filicori (M'98) was born in Italy in 1949. He received the degree in electronic engineering from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 1964. Presently, he is a Full Professor of applied electronics at the University of Bologna. His current research interests are in the areas of nonlinear circuit analysis and design, electronic devices modeling, digital measurement instruments, and power electronics.
doi:10.1109/19.948320 fatcat:ktk7brkuxjfqtedowd4ke7ugae