MRI Surveillance of Plastic Material Surgical Meshes: Experimental Model - Interim Results

Adrian Carabineanu, Ramona Gadea, Dan Costachescu, Adelina Mocanu, Dan Navolan, Daniel Malita, Raluca Ceausu, cristina Saracin, Octavian Cretu, Alexandru Blidisel
2021 Materiale plastice  
The number of surgical procedures for abdominal wall defects is increasing, often requiring the insertion of plastic material meshes. Surveillance of patients with inserted plastic meshes requires an accurate determination of the position of the mesh. However, this is a difficult task, depending on the kind of mesh, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol or consistence of the surrounding tissue (fat, muscle, aponeurosis). The aim of our research was to develop an experimental model to test
more » ... e ability of MRI to identify the exact position of surgical plastic meshes: polypropylene or polyester. To simulate the placement of a mesh in human body we developed a model built up from two pieces of tissue with dimensions of 40 cm x 20 cm, harvested from a pig with a weight of 120 kg. The meshes were situated for MRI evaluation between the two pieces: abdominal pig muscle respectively suprajacent abdominal pig wall subcutaneous fat, approximately 2 cm high. Five surgical meshes were scanned through six MRI sequences, in view of establishing an optimal MRI scanning protocol and best visible meshes. The MRI scans were evaluated by 5 radiologists with different degrees of training. Our results showed that the experimental model developed by us can be successfully used to test the ability of MRI to visualize different kind of plastic meshes. Also, our experiment has revealed that T1fl2D sequence is the best in highlighting meshes from surrounding tissue, and the best visualized Mesh was number 4, made of polyester. In conclusion, based on our experimental model, we should select a plastic mesh or MRI protocol which will allow an optimal post implantation monitoring. Modern technology of material�s fabrication can help to better identify the mesh itself using MRI scanning.
doi:10.37358/mp.21.3.5520 fatcat:5krnd7lbn5gdliisdpdjsmtu6m