Three-Dimensional Reconstructions in Microscopy From Two-Dimensional Interferograms Using Sparsity-Inducing Regularization

A. Montmerle Bonnefois, L. M. Mugnier, A. Houillot, G. Druart, L. Blanco
2016 Imaging and Applied Optics 2016   unpublished
Several applications, in the context of microscopy, need to recover the 3D information of an object consisting of a set of incoherent point-sources. We develop and validate a method that efficiently reconstructs such sparse objects in 3D from a 2D image, obtained with an incoherent-light technique such as Conoscopic Holography or Continuously Self-Imaging Grating (CSIG) imaging, which allow an efficient coding of the 3D position of a source on a 2D interferogram.
doi:10.1364/cosi.2016.cth3b.4 fatcat:vude7to6kzhr7anwo4x255nz5y