The Dilemma of the Pastor in a Post-Modern Society

Rudy Van Moere, Tom de Bruin
To what extent can the Bible, the Christian message, and especially the ministers, as their public representatives, have an impact upon our post-modern society? As public role models of God's pathos, some leading biblical prophets demonstrated a strong conviction nourished by the basic texts of Israel's heritage. Consequently, they stood firm for the authentic practice of God's Torah with a stress on genuine tsedaqa or righteousness as the fundamental principle of social justice. Pastors, who
more » ... e themselves as God's servants, should therefore consult anew their own heritage, i.e. the roots of the faith of Jesus of Nazareth and of early Judeo-Christians. Their sympathy with God's pathos for humanity will make them understand that the main point in religion is ethics, which need to be given priority above worship and dogmatism. It will help them to become effective debaters and strong partners of culture and therefore increasingly relevant public pastors.
doi:10.17613/cvf4-7726 fatcat:bfx3ulap5jfuxl6dflrqfcsyla