Revision of a Graduate Program's Core Courses in Engineering Technology

Ali Alavizadeh
2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings   unpublished
This paper describes the rationale and results of revising the core courses of a Master of Science degree in technology to better address students' needs and to streamline course sequences and offering. The focus of the paper in particularly, is on a course on research methodology which has been taught by the author since 2012. The paper details the core courses' contents, how they serve other courses, and a discussion on the feedback received from the students on the core course that was
more » ... by the author. The feedback received from the students indicate that the students found the changes helpful in clarifying the expectations of the degree, the directed MS project requirements, and the university resources for research endeavors.
doi:10.18260/p.24679 fatcat:dub3luyhy5fmdnxzbxuijm7w7e