Extending and validating the Baveno VI criteria for the exclusion of high-risk varices

Andreea Barbulescu, Iulia Ratiu, Ioan Sporea, Diana Lungeanu, Raluca Lupusoru, Bogdan Miutescu, Mirela Danila, Alina Popescu, Roxana Sirli
2021 Medical ultrasonography  
The updated Baveno VI guidelines recommend that screening for high-risk varices (HRV) by esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (EGD) can be avoided in patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD) who have liver stiffness LSM<20 kPa and platelet count PLT>150,000/L. The aims of this study were to validate extended Baveno VI criteria in patients with chronic liver disease and to establish cut-off values for our cohort. This retrospective study included 839 patients with liver cirrhosis
more » ... evaluated by Transient Elastography (TE), biological tests, and upper endos-copy, all within one year. The Baveno VI criteria were validated on a sub-group of 728 patients (Cohort 1, randomly selected from the study sample) and tailored cut-off points were determined. The remaining 111 patients comprised the validating set (Cohort 2) for these specific cut-off values. In Cohort 1, Baveno VI criteria had 86.2% accuracy. The calculated cut-offs to rule-in HRV were PLT<150,000/mm3 and LSM >35.3 kPa; while to rule-out HRV they were PLT >150.000/mm3 and LSM <19.6 kPa. In patients in the "grey-zone", by multivariate analysis, albumin was independently associated with HRV at a cut-off of ˂3.4 g/dl. In the validation cohort, the calculated rule out cut-offs had 100% accuracy. The Baveno VI criteria had a good accuracy for exclusion of HRV in this large cohort of cirrhotic patients. Adding an albumin-related threshold increased performance and broadened applicability. Using the calculated rule-out criteria for HRV, all unnecessary EGD could be excluded.
doi:10.11152/mu-2929 pmid:33657192 fatcat:gkgwq4h7obhjzfemzcmfilu47u