Seed Germinability Tests for Predicting Field Emergence of Rice Seeds Infected with Helminthosporium oryzae and Trichoconis padwickii

Martin M. Kulik
1977 Phytopathology  
KULIK, M. M. 1977 . Seed germinability tests for predicting field emergence of rice seeds infected with Helminthosporium oryzae and Trichoconis padwickii. Phytopathology 67:1303-1304. Forty-eight lots of rice seeds were evaluated by the blotter (i) towels at 15, 20, and 30 C, (ii) in the sand bench under 3 cm health test for the amount of infection by Helminthosporium of sand and cool conditions, and (iii) in soil in a growth oryzae and Trichoconis padwickii. Germinability of these chamber at
more » ... C. Infection by H. oryzae was closely seed lots kept in towels in a germinator, in sand at two depths correlated (P = 0.01) with the results of these same three tests, in the greenhouse, and in soil in a growth chamber, was with the exception of the towel test at 30 C. Thus, the towel determined at several temperatures. Twenty-six lots were test at 15 or 20 C can substitute for the blotter health test to sown in the field and seedling emergence was recorded. predict the field emergence of H. oryzae-infected rice seeds. Infection of seeds by H. oryzae was closely correlated (r = The correlation between H. oryzae infection and -0.82**) with seedling emergence in the field. In contrast, germinability in sand at 3 cm in a cool greenhouse was not so infection by T. padwickii correlated poorly (r = 0.09) with good as with the other tests. The soil test in a growth chamber field emergence. Highly significant correlation coefficients at 20 C can predict field emergence of rice seeds, but it is not were obtained between field emergence and germinability in practical for routine work.
doi:10.1094/phyto-67-1303 fatcat:bis6zqqr3zf5jdfu7dwg2xec7e