Empirical Research on the Efficiency of Shaanxi Technology Finance to Support Technological Innovation

Huining Jin, Jie Duan
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Education, Economics and Social Science (ICEESS 2018)   unpublished
This paper studied the input-output efficiency of technology finance resources to technological innovation in some areas of China by DEA-Malmquist empirical method. Through comparative analysis, it is found that the average comprehensive efficiency of Shaanxi was 0.89 in the past decade, which is at a relatively backward level, and the scale efficiency value of Shaanxi is less than the pure technical efficiency value. It shows that Shaanxi has more advantages in technology than in scale. In the
more » ... future development, it is necessary to continue to increase investment in technology finance resources. The main innovation of this paper is to analyze the support efficiency and existing problems of Shaanxi technology finance to technology innovation from the overvall perspective of technology finance resources, which can improve the deficiencies caused by the analysis of single technology finance resources.
doi:10.2991/iceess-18.2018.62 fatcat:5hxql6pggnhvnjh2ab6jub5k34