Assessing the validity of police integrity scale in a comparative context

Jon Maskály, Sanja Kutnjak Ivković, Maria Haberfeld, Christopher Donner, Tiffany Chen, Michael Meyers
2019 Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy  
individual approach, sometimes called the "bad apple" theory of police corruption, has been subject to severe criticism in recent years. This Research in Brief summarizes a study that measured police integrity in 30 police agencies across the United States. The study was based on an organizational/occupational approach to police corruption. Researchers asked officers for their opinions about 11 hypothetical cases of police misconduct and measured how seriously officers regarded police
more » ... , how willing they were to support its punishment, and how willing they were to report it. The survey found substantial differences in the environments of integrity among the agencies studied. The more serious the officers considered a behavior to be, the more likely they were to believe that more severe discipline was appropriate, and the more willing they were to report a colleague for engaging in that behavior.
doi:10.1080/10439463.2019.1576675 fatcat:di7jkmle7jh2dntwuysrjhfihe