Performance Analysis of a DTC and SVM Based Field-Orientation Control Induction Motor Drive

Md. Rashedul Islam, Md. Maruful Islam, Md. Kamal Hossain, Pintu Kumar Sadhu
2015 International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems  
<p>This study presents a performance analysis of two most popular control strategies for Induction Motor (IM) drives: direct torque control (DTC) and space vector modulation (SVM) strategies. The performance analysis is done by applying field-orientation control (FOC) technique because of its good dynamic response. The theoretical principle, simulation results are discussed to study the dynamic performances of the drive system for individual control strategies using actual parameters of
more » ... n motor. A closed loop PI controller scheme has been used. The main purpose of this study is to minimize ripple in torque response curve and to achieve quick speed response as well as to investigate the condition for optimum performance of induction motor drive. Depending on the simulation results this study also presents a detailed comparison between direct torque control and space vector modulation based field-orientation control method for the induction motor drive.</p>
doi:10.11591/ijpeds.v5.i3.pp336-343 fatcat:3njfnsot2ngn5nskkdcrapsh2i