Big Data Science and its Applications in Healthcare and Medical Research: Challenges and Opportunities
Liang Y
Austin Biometrics and Biostatistics
Recently, Big Data science has been a hot topic in the scientific, industrial and the business worlds. The healthcare and biomedical sciences have rapidly become data-intensive as investigators are generating and using large, complex, high dimensional and diverse domain specific datasets. This paper provides a general survey of recent progress and advances in Big Data science, healthcare, and biomedical research. Big Data science impacts, important features, infrastructures, and basic and
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... ed analytical tools are presented in detail. Additionally, various challenges, debates, and opportunities inside this quickly emerging scientific field are explored. The human genome and omics research, one of the most promising medical and health areas as an example and application of Big Data science, is discussed to demonstrate how the adaptive advanced computational analytical tools could be utilized for transforming millions of data points into predictions and diagnostics for precision medicine and personalized healthcare with better patient outcomes. Submit your Manuscript | not static, change with real time; 3) complexity and heterogeneity (structured, unstructured, semi-structured data); 4) data sharing and privacy [7, [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] Due to these unique properties, in order to maximize Big Data potentials for knowledge discovery, and make it actionable and operational for better life science solutions, Big Data science infrastructure, the intelligent fundamental analytical tools, and advanced computational approaches that could conceptualize, theorize, and model the Big Data with the grounded theory method need to be established, understood and available by both Data analysts and domain researchers [40, 41] . Therefore, a top layer question for Big Data scientists is what the important framework for good Big Data governance and implementation is in order to make it actionable and operational. There are four critical hierarchical domains/levels for the infrastructure of the Big Data governance [42] . First, in the software, hardware, and physical capacity domains, Big Data requires parallel-distributed architectures with a high performance multicore and clustering or cloud computing platforms that can access hundreds or even thousands of processors. The Hadoop system is an example, and is a distributed computing environment using a Map-Reduce framework. Hadoop tools and related software including HDFS distributed file systems allow for the storage, backup and computing resources for complex workloads [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] . Software-defined data center or software-defined network is open flow application programming to interfaces or a virtual network overlay for controlling, understanding and dealing with Big Data, which could also create agility and automation with a centrally programmable network [50, 51] . Big data Script is an example of scripting language for complex big data processing pipeline, which improve the hardware abstraction and execution from wide ranges of computer architecture from laptop, to multicore servers, to cloud computing [52] .