Superconductor Digital Receiver Components

A. Kirichenko, S. Sarwana, D. Gupta, D. Yohannes
2005 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity  
We have developed and experimentally demonstrated several new RSFQ circuits, designed as components for digital receivers that are being developed by HYPRES. The first circuit is a digital phase generator, which produces a periodic digital signal with a controllable phase shift. This signal is obtained by decimation of an external high frequency signal by a factor of 1024, and provides a controllable phase shift with digital precision of 512. The second circuit, a precise digital static
more » ... y divider, is capable of dividing of an input signal frequency by any integer value between 1 and 1024. The third circuit is a digital quadrature mixer performing digital downconversion of bit-stream data. This report presents results of experimental evaluation of these circuits at speeds in excess of 30 GHz.
doi:10.1109/tasc.2005.849771 fatcat:nzemd5xqmfbadmcfpvftuhse7u