Incommensurate Systems as Model Compounds for Disorder Revealing Low-Temperature Glasslike Behavior

G. Reményi, S. Sahling, K. Biljaković, D. Starešinić, J.-C. Lasjaunias, J. E. Lorenzo, P. Monceau, A. Cano
2015 Physical Review Letters  
We show that the specific heat of incommensurately modulated crystals with broken translational periodicity presents similar features at low temperatures to those of amorphous and glass materials. Here we demonstrate that the excess to the constant C p ðTÞ=T 3 law (or Debye limit) is made up of an upturn below 1 K and of a broad bump at T ≈ 10 K that directly originates from the gapped phase and amplitude modes of the incommensurate structure. We argue that the low-energy dynamics of
more » ... ate systems constitute a plausible simplification of the landscape of interactions present in glasses, giving rise to their low-temperature anomalies.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.114.195502 pmid:26024180 fatcat:pnxnrg73rnf2zbxhs7ch35ylsy