A European survey on public health policies for managing cases of meningococcal disease and their contacts

M Hoek, G Hanquet, S Heuberger, P Stefanoff, P Zucs, M Ramsay, J Stuart, on behalf of the European Union Inv
2008 Eurosurveillance  
In 2007, a European survey was conducted to compare national policies on public health management of cases of meningococcal disease and their contacts. An electronic questionnaire was sent to 27 national public health institutes; 22 countries responded (response rate 81%). The results of the survey revealed differences in definitions of close contacts and prophylactic regimens between countries. These differences can be attributed to a lack of evidence on optimal prevention and treatment
more » ... ies. The development of guidance for best practice in priority areas, based on evidence or consensus, is therefore recommended. A ck now led ge m e n ts We would like to thank all EU-IBIS participants (http://www.euibis.org/ meningo/euibis_partners_meningo.htm) and members of the European Meningococcal Disease Society (http://emgm.eu who) contributed to the discussion on the survey results:
doi:10.2807/ese.13.10.08060-en fatcat:aaf7h7fmcrafxh4xjpdwij74om